
Add Drupal Digg,, Reddit Links and More

If you want people to find your content, it's good to get the word out with social marketing. Since I haven't done that yet, that's the plan right now.

503 HTTP Status Code when Site Down

If for some reason you must take down your site or just a few pages temporarily for maintenance, moving servers, or whatever reason, you need to tell the search engines that this is TEMPORARY. Otherwise, they will see the page is not there (404 status/response code) and drop your site or page from their search index.

Easy Drupal Backups with Backup and Migrate Module

I'm approaching 20 blog articles and I haven't yet made a backup of my Drupal site. YIKES! It would suck if my hosting server crashed and I lost everything. So... I guess I should do it now.

Drupal Pathauto URL Aliases Settings

The Drupal pathauto module is great but be careful how you configure it. The recommended settings are already chosen by default but let's review them below. To get to the Drupal pathauto URL aliases settings, go to: Administer > Site Building > URL Aliases (admin/build/path/pathauto).

I'm a Speaker at DrupalCon Portland