Drupal SEO Basics Presentation - BADCamp 2010

I had a great weekend at the BADCamp 2010 in Berkeley! There were some great sessions and lots of fun conversations.

I gave a presentation on Drupal SEO Basics. This is pretty much the same session I gave at the unconference the day before DrupalCon SF and is an updated version of the SEO session Jen Lampton and I co-presented at BADCamp 2009.

I gave an overview of what factors into SEO and got a lot of great comments from the audience. Then I touched upon the few most important Drupal SEO modules that every project should install.

  • path and pathauto (for url aliases)
  • page_title (for the <title> tag text)
  • nodewords (for meta tags)
  • path_redirect and globalredirect (for proper redirects to avoid duplicate content)
  • xmlsitemap (for a search engine sitemap)
  • seo_friend (for reports and helper features)

I'm attaching the presentation here and here are the drush commands I did to download and enable the modules:

drush dl pathauto path_redirect globalredirect seo_friend xmlsitemap featured_content nodewords page_title token

drush en pathauto path_redirect globalredirect seo_friend xmlsitemap featured_content nodewords page_title token nodewords_basic

I hope everyone else had a great time at BADCamp and enjoyed your sessions and hanging out with fellow Drupal folks.

BADCamp2010_SEO_Presentation.ppt783 KB

I'm a Speaker at DrupalCon Portland